Energy Policy Advocates has obtained the following documents through ongoing FOIA requests:
NM 6.28.2021 UMN Climate Feedback Request.pages pages 1 - 5
NM Microsoft Word - LLNL Climate Feedback Request.docx pages 1 - 7
NM OAG Ozone NAAQS Agreement
1.14.2020 NM EMNRD Followup
NM EMNRD Funders Request
NM DENV Funders Request
NM OAG Consumer Protection Agreement Request
NM OAG NAAQS Puko Request
NM List of Subgroups Request
NM OAG Monuments CIA Request
NM OAG Affirmative Litigation Request
NM OAG Complaint Notice Request copy
NM OAG Borg Novick Request copy
NM OAG Coordination and GHG Request copy
NM OAG Multistate Coordination Request copy
NM OAG Bachmann Request copy
NM OAG CIA 2017-2020 Request copy
NM OAG Kanner Agreement Request copy
NM OAG Wickr Request copy
NM OAG NYU Reports and Memoranda Request copy
NM OAG PFOA Request copy
NM EMNRD Propst Tabor Request copy
NM EMNRD Martinez USCA Request copy
NM EMNRD Propst Application Request copy
NM DENV USCA Fellow Request copy
NM EMNRD USCA Fellow Request copy
NM DENV RBF Request copy
NM EMNRD Climate Week Request copy
NM DENV Climate Week Request copy
NM-8.10.19 NM Lt Gov Staff Correspondence Request copy
NM-8.9.19 NM Lt Gov List Serv Corresp copy
NM-8.8.19 NM EMNRD Travel Request copy
NM-8.8.19 NM ENV Travel Request copy
NM Gov IPRA Listserv July 15 Request copy
NM Gov IPRA August 2 Listserv Request copy
NM Gov IPRA Aug 4 Request copy
NM EMNRD IPRA Listserv July 15 Request copy
NM EMNRD IPRA Listserv August 2 Request copy
NM EMNRD IPRA August 4 Request copy
NM OAG Climate Week Request copy
NM Gov Climate Week Request copy
NM-OFS IPRA DHardin docs
NM-Receipt 2019-05
NM-Receipt 2019-04
NM-2019 01 24 RECORDS Inspection Hardin 2
NM-NPRA Acknowledgment and Response Letter - Cornett (03-08-19) (for release)
NM-NM OAG Jan 4 SherEdling Savitt Earthrights NYU request re Baca Minard
NM-NM OAG Ack letter for 4.2.19 Request
NM-NM AG Jan 9 Google Docs etc request
NM-letter (015)
NM-FEB2019_AllianceMtg_FINAL Agenda
NM-2019 03 08 RECORDS Production (Hardin)
NM-2019 03 08 Matthew Hardin 3 -Production Letter
NM-2019 02 26 Matthew Hardin 3 - 3 day Letter
NM-2019 02 14 Matthew Hardin 2 -Production Letter