Energy Policy Advocates has obtained the following documents through ongoing FOIA requests:
- 7.29.2022 Oregon State Lubchenco Oreskes et al request
- Microsoft Word - UOR Enviro Law Prof Dotson Request.docx
- UOR Enviro Law Profs Listserv Request.pages
- 7.16.2021 Oregon State Climate Feedback Request II.pages
- OR 6.28.2021 Oregon State Climate Feedback Request.pages pages 1 - 5
- OR UOR Sher Edling Request
- OR OAG Second Gmail Request
- OR OAG Gmail Request
- OR OAG OSU Request
- Multnomah County Oregon Request
- Oregon State Request
- OR Ozone NAAQS Request
- OR OAG Consumer Protection Agreement Request
- OR OAG Puko Request
- OR OAG Quirke Request
- OR OAG Transition Request
- OR OAG NAAQS Request
- 9.29.2020 OR OAG Request
- OR NWCouncil_Aug29
- OR City of Hood River Planning Dept Request copy
- OR City of Hood River City Admin Request
- OR List of Subgroups Request
- OR AG Call Request
- _OR Schneeberg_Ketcham-Colwill_Bachmann Request
- OR Correspondence and Calendars Requests
- OR Monuments CIA Request
- OR Affirrmative Litigation Request-1
- OR OAG Notice Complaint Request copy
- OR OAG Coordination and GHG Request copy
- OR OAG Multistate Coordination Request copy
- OR OAG 2017-2020 CIA Request copy
- 3.6.2020 OR OAG Bachmann Goffman Request copy
- OR 1.30.2020 University of Oregon Request copy
- OR 1.27.2020 University of Oregon Request copy
- OR OAG Pawa 2016 Request copy
- OR OAG Wickr Request copy
- OR OAG NYU Reports and Memoranda Request copy
- OR OAG Garrahan Files Request copy
- OR OAG PFOA Request copy
- OR OAG Manning Wood Request copy
- OR OAG Manning Wood Request copy
- OR OAG PFOA Request copy
- OR-8.12.19 OR OAG Climate Week Request copy
- OR-OAG Climate Week Request copy
- OR OAG March 2019 Correspondence Request copy
- OR AG Garrahan Nord Request copy
- OR-OAG Climate Week Request copy
- OR-OR_AG_April10
- OR-OR OAG Ack Letter for 4.2.19 Request
- OR-DOJ Special Retention Schedule